Dream Life Mastermind

Live the life that's meant for you

I spent seven years of my life working in tech before I felt courageous enough to follow my true soul’s calling. I know what it’s like to feel burned out and overwhelmed even if you think you your situation is "not so bad" compared to the next gal and who am I to want more!?! I know what it’s like to deny deny deny that little voice that knows what's right for YOU – in work, relationship and life. So I ask you:

“Are you ready to believe it's possible for you?”

"I used to have so much stress and anxiety built up over feeling like I didn't have control over how I felt, but it turns out I do! How I felt was always determined by how I perceived I was viewed by others."

– Mastermind Client

This is for you if...

  • You have a color-coded five year plan but each milestone you meet isn't making you feel the way you'd hoped you'd feel and you're wondering what you're even working towards anymore
  • You got the degree, the job, maybe even the success you always wanted – all the things that were supposed to make you happy – but you still find yourself tossing & turning at night cause something feels off
  • You still hear the voice of your great aunt who told you good girls are meant to sacrifice and take care of everyone else first when you even *think* about drawing a bath and taking a night just for you
  • You're sick of wasting your life in the start-stop of deciding to quit your soul-sucking job or move across the country and then chickening out
  • You feel isolated and hungry for connection and community with women who get it
  • You'd love to feel more confident to make the career, relationship and life of YOUR dreams a reality.


The Dream Life Mastermind

A four month mastermind for ambitious women ready to drop the shoulds & supossed tos and live the life that's meant for them, in community with a select group of women doing this same work. Everyone's growth supports and expands one another. Together we will:

Figure out what you want

Through meditation, visualization and deep body connection you'll access your intuition and inner knowing around what you most want and set a powerful intention to create it in your life. What you want is meant for you.

Believe you get to have it

What do you most want? What fears, doubts, and stories tell you you don't get to have it? With high level coaching from me every week, we'll break the spell so you can feel worthy, deserving and capable of having it all.

Take aligned action

I'll teach you the exact mindset practices and embodiment work I do on the regular to feel my most empowered and confident so I can keep take action towards my dreams even when it feels scary.

Results Participants Are Experiencing

Clearer decision making

Experience the freedom, peace and clarity that awaits when you consciously step out of your logical, thinking mind (which is brilliant, but also prone to spirals!) and tune into the deeper wisdom of your full-brain and body and listen to the part of you that just k-n-o-w-s! As known as your intuition or inner knower...we'll get that puppy fired up and turned on.

Self-trust & belief in your abilities

For so many of us high-achievers, our first instinct is to be critical and hard on ourselves. I'll teach you practices to release fear and self doubt so you can continue moving towards the goals, dreams and desires meant for you. The more we learn to face into and see our doubts and fears as self-protective creations of our own mind, rather than the capital T Truth the more committed and capable we will feel taking action towards our dreams.

Literal #lifegoals coming true

In this program participants have exited toxic relationships, carved out time as busy mothers, landed their dream job, redefined success in their careers and made the leap into entrepreneurship. Wherever your path is calling you, we're here to support your along the way. It all comes down to the same formula – figure out what you *really* want, do the work to believe you get to have it and take aligned action.

"I trust my body has the wisdom that I need. I trust I already have the power to find fulfillment in my life and work. I trust I am capable and worthy of utilizing it. I am trusting through the fear."

– Mastermind Client

I've seen this work transform lives

Your journey will be yours, but the transformation might look like a shift from...

  • Shoveling takeout in your face at your desk cause you’re too busy trying to please your boss to strolling the farmers market to pick the best produce and cook a gourmet meal with your partner
  • Overwhelmed by crippling perfectionism to giving yourself daily doses of affirmation and celebration so you can rock the board meeting and first date like the confident boss you are
  • Meticulously reading bios of all your matches so you can craft the perfect image and backstory to attract this person to being fully fucking yourself, skyrocketing your self trust and self worth in the process and of course –getting the guy you actually want!
  • Buying the dream home cause that’s what you’re supposed to do after you get married and get a dog to realizing you're meant to start your own business and want to invest in that instead and maybe even get way more of an ROI than a house would ever get you!
  • Feeling unlovable and staying with the guy only because you don’t think you can do any better to choosing yourself fully and seeing everything in your life uplevel to your new standards

"My anxiety has decreased. I've stopped caring so much about what other people think and have learned to pay more attention to myself."

– Mastermind Client

What You Get

  • Expert Coaching: Weekly group calls for me to hold you accountable and equip you with the tools to see your dreams through. We will alternate teaching and coaching so every two weeks I'll teach a new module.
  • Co-Werking Community: You'll join a community of ambitious big-hearted women committed to their growth and goals. Show up for the weekly co-werking calls to have a space to do your inner work like meditations and journaling prompts in community!
  • Digital Resources: Lifetime access to video recordings of our modules, workbooks and bonus resources for you to refer back to anytime in our online protal
  • Support In Your Pocket: Celebrate, connect and ask for support from me or our community of powerhouse women on our messaging group in between calls

Ready To Take The Next Step?

Join the community of women saying YES to their dreams and NO to self sacrifice and denial.

Your investment


6 x Monthly Payments of $750 ($4,500)

I'm ready

Your investment


1 x Payment of $4,500

I'm ready

A few more details

  • Doors close December 21
  • Coaching and teaching calls are slotted for 5:30 PM PST on Tuesdays*
  • Community co-werking calls are slotted for 11 AM PST on Fridays
  • We'll have an off-week the fifth week of the month or if our call lands on a holiday (I think there's just an off-week the last week of Jan)

*If you're interested but the dates/times aren't ideal (moms, looking at you! I can make a pod call time during the day but need to hear from you!) or you want to make sure this is right for you – please schedule a call with me!

Schedule A Call With Me

What is it that you really really want?

This is YOUR LIFE we're talking about here. It's time to live yours.


Say Yes to Your Radiance

Enter your name and email below and you'll be taken to my Online Scheduler to book your call. Can't wait!